Cyber Security 

Secure by design

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Risk Assessment


Taking an objective look at the product design cyber security strengths and weaknesses is a detailed process but one that provides valuable insight into potential risks. Establish a risk assessment methodology that meets the needs of your organization, and an acceptable risk tolerance throughout the life cycle. 

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Best Practices + Policies 


There are a TON of cyber security standards, policies, best practices, regulation and legislation that is available, and not all of it applies to everything that you’re doing. How do you know which ones that your team should be following, and which ones are less important? Some are more stringent than others, and creating a Best Practices policy for your organization based on your technology and environmental factors is paramount to minimize liability going forward. 



Security Development Life cycle


As connectivity increases, the need for integration of cyber security into our design processes increases.

Engineers who have never had to consider cyber security are now responsible for security by design. It is critical that we consider cyber security in our reviews and control gates throughout the development process. Making decisions at the concept and design phase influence the resiliency of your product, and minimize the cost liability of resolving vulnerabilities post-production. Establish a risk tolerance and mitigation strategies throughout the product life cycle with some guidance on how to set up your security development life cycle tailored to your company needs. 


Incident Response, Crisis Management 

In an internet-connected world, it’s only a matter of time before hackers find their way into your products and networks.

Having a well-established and practiced incident response plan in place is critical to minimize the panic in the time of crisis. If a hacker posts to Twitter about your company, how will you respond? What will you say? Who needs to approve it? Your response to a security breach has a huge impact on your bottom line and your brand reputation. Don’t be caught unprepared. 


An established incident response plan is the first step in preparing for a potential crisis, but emotions run high in the moment, and sometimes the team strays from your documented approach.

PEN Testing

PEN Testing

Tabletop Exercises

Tabletop Exercises

Cybersecurity Training

As connectivity increases, the need for integration of cyber security into your design processes increases.


Engineers who have never had to consider cyber security are now responsible for security by design. Let us help equip your team with the knowledge and tools to tackle this new responsibility and minimize your liability for common mistakes.